Zero Order Computer Generated Phase Only Holograms

David Mendlovic (Inventor), Emanuel Marom (Inventor), Naim Konforti (Inventor), Z. Zalevsky (Inventor), Gal Shabtay (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


A method for encoding zero-order phase-only holograms, and the holograms so encoded. The amplitude and phase of each point of a discrete mathematical transform, such as a Fourier transform, of an image to be encoded, are encoded as regions of a corresponding pixel of a transparent filter, with suitably selected fractional areas and optical path lengths. The various optical path lengths may be created by manipulating the filter's index of refraction, or by manipulating the thickness of the filter, preferably by etching. Various encoding schemes are presented, appropriate to etching systems with low lateral resolution, to etching systems with high lateral resolution but depth resolution limited to a discrete number of depths, and to etching systems with limited resolution both laterally and in depth.
Original languageAmerican English
Patent numberU.S. patent No. 6166833
StatePublished - 2000

Bibliographical note

Israel patent application No. 119380


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