Using an Incidental Event as a Potential Curricular Constituent in a Complex Educational Setting–A Case Study

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    This article analyses a classroom incident to demonstrate the way such an occurrence can serve as curriculum potential and how analysis of the incident may reflect the core message of the entire curriculum. The casestudy is used to demonstrate that despite the chaos created by an unexpected incident reflective systematic analysis can be used to uncover vital curricular constituents. Incidental events in the classrooms need not be perceived as by-products, but rather as major objectives that can lead to real and authentic learning. Though unplanned, they can enrich the curriculum if the teacher deals with them systematically
    Original languageAmerican English
    Pages (from-to)77-92
    JournalCurriculum and Teaching
    Issue number1
    StatePublished - 2010


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