Ultra-low-loss integrated visible photonics using thin-film lithium niobate

Boris Desiatov, Amirhassan Shams-Ansari, Mian Zhang, Cheng Wang, Marko Lončar

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

238 Scopus citations


Integrated photonics is a powerful platform that can improve the performance and stability of optical systems while providing low-cost, small-footprint, and scalable alternatives to implementations based on free-space optics. While great progress has been made on the development of low-loss integrated photonics platforms at telecom wavelengths, the visible wavelength range has received less attention. Yet, many applications utilize visible or near-visible light, including those in optical imaging, optogenetics, and quantum science and technology. Here we demonstrate an ultra-low-loss integrated visible photonics platform based on thin-film lithium niobate on an insulator. Our waveguides feature ultra-low propagation loss of 6 dB/m, while our microring resonators have an intrinsic quality factor of 11 million, both measured at 637 nm wavelength. Additionally, we demonstrate an on-chip visible intensity modulator with an electro-optic bandwidth of 10 GHz, limited by the detector used. The ultra-low-loss devices demonstrated in this work, together with the strong second-and third-order nonlinearities in lithium niobate, open up new opportunities for creating novel passive and active devices for frequency metrology and quantum information processing in the visible spectrum range.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)380-384
Number of pages5
Issue number3
StatePublished - 20 Mar 2019
Externally publishedYes

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2019 Optical Society of America.


Funding. National Science Foundation (NSF) (ECCS-1609549, ECCS-1740296 E2CDA), Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) (W31P4Q-15-1-0013); City University of Hong Kong Start-up Funds. National Science Foundation (NSF) (ECCS-1609549, ECCS-1740296 E2CDA), Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) (W31P4Q-15-1-0013); City University of Hong Kong Start-up Funds. Acknowledgment. We thank C. Reimer for feedback on the manuscript. Lithium niobate devices were fabricated in the Center for Nanoscale Systems (CNS) at Harvard, a member of the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network, supported by the NSF.

FundersFunder number
Center for Nanoscale Systems
National Science Foundation1740296, ECCS-1609549, 1541959, ECCS-1740296 E2CDA
Defense Advanced Research Projects AgencyW31P4Q-15-1-0013
City University of Hong Kong
University of Hong Kong


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