Two-layer quasi-geostrophic singular vortices embedded in a regular flow. Part 1. Invariants of motion and stability of vortex pairs

Gregory Reznik, Ziv Kizner

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23 Scopus citations


The concept of a quasi-geostrophic singular vortex is extended to several types of two-layer model: a rigid-lid two-layer, a free-surface two-layer and a 2 1/2 -layer model with two active and one passive layer. Generally, a singular vortex differs from a conventional point vortex in that the intrinsic vorticity of a singular vortex, in addition to delta-function, contains an exponentially decaying term. The theory developed herein occupies an intermediate position between discrete and fully continuous multilayer models, since the regular flow and its interaction with the singular vortices are also taken into account. A system of equations describing the joint evolution of the vortices and the regular field is presented, and integrals expressing the conservation of enstrophy, energy, momentum and mass are derived. Using these integrals, the initial phases of evolution of an individual singular vortex confined to one layer and of a coaxial pair of vortices positioned in different layers of a two-layer fluid on a beta-plane are described. A valuable application of the conservation integrals is related to the stability analysis of point-vortex pairs within the 1 1/2 -layer model, 2 1/2 -layer model, and free-surface two-layer model on the f-plane. Such vortex pairs are shown to be nonlinearly stable with respect to any small perturbation provided its regular-flow energy and enstrophy are finite.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)185-202
Number of pages18
JournalJournal of Fluid Mechanics
StatePublished - Oct 2007

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
G.R. gratefully acknowledges the hospitality extended to him by Bar-Ilan University during his stay in Israel, and the support from Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Grant 05-05-64212. Z. K. acknowledges the support from Israel Science Foundation, 628/06. The authors thank the Centre for Academic and Educational Relations of the Humanities, Hebrew University, for partial support of this research and V. Gryanik and V. Zeitlin for helpful discussions.


G.R. gratefully acknowledges the hospitality extended to him by Bar-Ilan University during his stay in Israel, and the support from Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Grant 05-05-64212. Z. K. acknowledges the support from Israel Science Foundation, 628/06. The authors thank the Centre for Academic and Educational Relations of the Humanities, Hebrew University, for partial support of this research and V. Gryanik and V. Zeitlin for helpful discussions.

FundersFunder number
Russian Foundation for Basic Research05-05-64212
Bar-Ilan University
Israel Science Foundation628/06


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