Third session: Review, Supervision, and Investigations During and After Armed Conflicts

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

Original languageEnglish
StatePublished - 2014
EventThe Israeli Democracy in War - Is the ‘Edge' Protected? - Minerva Center for the Rule of Law under Extreme Conditions (RLEC), University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel
Duration: 5 Nov 20145 Nov 2014 (Website)


ConferenceThe Israeli Democracy in War - Is the ‘Edge' Protected?
Internet address

Bibliographical note

Third session: Review, Supervision, and Investigations During and After Armed Conflicts (A Round Table Discussion)
Facilitator and Chair: Prof. Amnon Reichman
Prof. Miguel Deutch (Tel Aviv University, Member of Turkel Commission)
Prof. Amichai Cohen (Dean of Law School, Ono Academic College)
Adv. Miri Frankel-Shor (Legal Advisor for Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee)
Adv. Tamar Feldman (The Association for Civil Rights in Israel)
Dr. Ziv Bohrer (Faculty of Law, Bar Ilan University)
Dr. Gilad Noam(Department of Special International Affairs, Ministry of Justice)
Lieutenant Colonel Roni Katzir (former Assistant Military Advocate General (legal affairs))

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