Thermal performance of vertical greenery systems (VGS) in a street canyon: A real-scale long-term experiment

Noa Zuckerman, Itamar M. Lensky

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

6 Scopus citations


Outdoor vertical greenery systems’ (VGS) thermal aspects have been intensively studied in recent years; nevertheless, real-scale long-term experiments are scarce in the literature, and little is known about the thermal effect of VGS in street canyons. An experiment on east–west-oriented real buildings in street canyons was conducted for 31 months, analyzing the thermal performance of two VGS technologies using sensors and a thermal camera. Energy saving was assessed and an allometric model was used for carbon sequestration estimation. We present time series analyses of the diurnal and seasonal cycles of the outdoor and indoor environments with respect to bare walls street canyon. Daytime cooling in the middle of the canyon 10 m from the VGS persisted for 59.4% of the time in summer and 79.4% in a heatwave, while heating persisted for 73.9% of the day in the winter. The cooling effect was more efficient in higher temperatures and was stronger 1 m near the VGS. The surface temperature of the sunlit VGS was cooler by an average of −3.8 °C in the summer and −6.8 °C in a heatwave and was slightly warmer during the winter. The average indoor summer cooling effects were greater on the south-facing orientation (air −1.57 °C; wall −1.31 °C), while the winter warming effect was greatest on the north-facing orientation (air 2.67 °C; wall 1.6 °C). The yearly energy-saving performance due to air conditioning was 8.9%. The CO2 sequestration potential (140 kg/year) was negligible compared to the CO2 emissions that were saved from air conditioning (∼9 tons/year).

Original languageEnglish
Article number110750
JournalBuilding and Environment
StatePublished - 1 Oct 2023

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023 Elsevier Ltd


The BIU-VGS project was funded by the Israel Ministry of Science and Technology (China-Israel cooperative scientific research 3-15706 ). The BIU-VGS project also received funding for the construction of the VGS and the monitoring equipment from the Israel Science Foundation institutional equipment grant ( 2320/18 ) and Bar-Ilan University (matching). The authors thank VerticalField ( ) for constructing the VGS at the BIU-VGS project, EnviroManager© for constructing and supporting with the monitoring system, Netafim for the irrigation system, Oren Glikman for good advice, and Amit Blizer for helping with the collection of TIR images. We would also like to thank two anonymous reviewers and the guest editor for valuable comments that improved this manuscript. N.Z is a Ph.D. student partly supported by the BIU president scholarship for excellent Ph.D. students, the KKL-JNF scholarship, and the BIU data science institute (DSI) scholarship.

FundersFunder number
Data Science Institute, Columbia University
Bar-Ilan University
Israel Science Foundation2320/18
Ministry of science and technology, Israel3-15706
Defence Science Institute


    • Energy saving
    • Green wall
    • Nature-based solution (NBS)
    • Real-scale long-term monitoring
    • Thermal performance
    • Vertical greenery systems


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