The type of adjectives

Galit Weidman Sassoon

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


A compositional analysis of a range of readings of comparison constructions, as well as the positive form is proposed, which, unlike previous accounts, is compatible with multidimensional adjectives and has the power to explain differences between them and nouns. To this end, adjectives are represented as properties of dimensional quantifiers, namely of sets of gradable properties; e.g., healthy ⇔ λGQ<et,t>. n-many(λF.F is a health dimension, λF.GQ(F)), where many denotes a cardinality function and n sets up a standard. Comparison morphemes either set the standard of many or of the dimensions. Consequences are discussed for our understanding of the adjective-noun distinction and for the analysis of gradable morphology.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages7
StatePublished - 2013
Event19th Amsterdam Colloquium, AC 2013 - Amsterdam, Netherlands
Duration: 18 Dec 201320 Dec 2013


Conference19th Amsterdam Colloquium, AC 2013


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