The Tilapia Cyst Tissue Enclosing the Proliferating Myxobolus bejeranoi Parasite Exhibits Cornified Structure and Immune Barrier Function

Keren Maor-Landaw, Margarita Smirnov, Tamar Lotan

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Myxozoa, a unique group of obligate endoparasites within the phylum Cnidaria, can cause emerging diseases in wild and cultured fish populations. Recently, the myxozoan Myxobolus bejeranoi has been identified as a prevalent pathogen infecting the gills of cultured hybrid tilapia, leading to systemic immune suppression and considerable mortality. Here, we employed a proteomic approach to examine the impact of M. bejeranoi infection on fish gills, focusing on the structure of the granulomata, or cyst, formed around the proliferating parasite to prevent its spread to surrounding tissue. Enrichment analysis showed increased immune response and oxidative stress in infected gill tissue, most markedly in the cyst’s wall. The intense immune reaction included a consortium of endopeptidase inhibitors, potentially combating the myxozoan arsenal of secreted proteases. Analysis of the cyst’s proteome and histology staining indicated that keratin intermediate filaments contribute to its structural rigidity. Moreover, we uncovered skin-specific proteins, including a grainyhead-like transcription factor and a teleost-specific S100 calcium-binding protein that may play a role in epithelial morphogenesis and cysts formation. These findings deepen our understanding of the proteomic elements that grant the cyst its distinctive nature at the critical interface between the fish host and myxozoan parasite.

Original languageEnglish
Article number5683
JournalInternational Journal of Molecular Sciences
Issue number11
StatePublished - 23 May 2024
Externally publishedYes

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2024 by the authors.


  • cyst
  • gills
  • infection
  • keratin
  • myxozoa
  • parasite
  • proteomics
  • tilapia


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