The socio-economic ideology of religious zionism in israel: 1995-2007

Moshe Hellinger, Yossi Londin

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4 Scopus citations


During the past two decades religious Zionists have developed several different approaches regarding social justice. The middle class among them have tended to identify with neo-liberal policies. Many nationalist Zionists chose compartmentalization and adaptation, i.e. they accepted the prevalent capitalist outlook without a deep understanding of its religious implications. The 'strong' nationalists and strictly Orthodox have had little to say about socioeconomic issues. This derives from their emphasis on the spiritual calling of the people of Israel and its general disregard for material life. There is also a connection between their messianic, rightist, religious and political orientation and a right-wing socio-economic outlook. The moderate nationalist, Torahoriented (Torani) wing tends either towards a 'third way' or towards a more moderate leftist direction. The liberal religious sector has both liberal religious and liberal welfarist economic views.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)87-106
Number of pages20
JournalJournal of Political Ideologies
Issue number1
StatePublished - Feb 2012


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