The Scaling Behaviour of the Metal-Insulator Transition of Isotopically Engineered Neutron-Transmutation Doped Germanium

R. Rentzsch, A. N. Ionov, Ch Reich, M. Müller, B. Sandow, P. Fozooni, M. J. Lea, V. Ginodman, I. Shlimak

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15 Scopus citations


We measured on the dielectric side, with |N/Nc - 1| ≤ 0.64 the critical indices of the metal-insulator transition (MIT) in n-Ge with low (1.4 and 12%) and medium (38 and 54%) compensation, prepared by neutron-transmutation doping (NTD) of isotopic mixtures of 74Ge and 70Ge. We analyzed from the temperature dependence of hopping resistance in the variable-range hopping (VRH) regime with Coulomb gap the scaling of the localization length a, and of the dielectric constant N. At low compensation we find that the critical indices are ν ≈ 1/2, ζ ≈ 1, which increase up to ν ≈ 1, ζ ≈ 2, for medium compensations.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)269-273
Number of pages5
JournalPhysica Status Solidi (B): Basic Research
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 1998


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