רווקים ורווקות באי-החלטיות מתמשכת: היבטים תפיסתיים ורגשיים בתהליך ביסוס הזוגיות

Translated title of the contribution: The Ongoing Indecision of Singles: : Conceptual and Emotional Aspects of Establishing a Permanent Relationship

אליענה שפירא, שלמה רומי, צמח אסיף

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


This research examines the ongoing difficulties that arise throughout the decision-making process associated with establishing a permanent relationship. Based on previous research that had identified similarities between making career choices and permanent relationship decision-making, we adapted the Emotional Personality Career Difficulties Scale to romantic relationships. The adaptation was found to be valid and reliable. We hypothesized that the decision-making difficulty associated with permanent relationships would be exacerbated by frustration in relationships. A sample of 213 Orthodox Jewish singles, aged 19-48, was used to examine the ties between types of decision-making difficulties and response patterns to relationship dissatisfaction. Results showed a correlation between ongoing indecision regarding permanent relationships, and responses to relationship dissatisfaction via relationship-inhibiting patterns such as passivity and destructiveness. The findings emphasize the importance of regarding the permanent-relationship decision process as a classic decision-making progression. This view could help focus on the source of difficulties in relation commitment and assist with early identification of such issues. Practical applications of this study could provide a basis for early construction and learning of tools for managing chronic difficulties in choosing a mate. For example, the findings show that in relationship dissatisfaction, practicing self-expression reaction may lower passivity and destruction, and enhance activity and construction of the relationship.
Translated title of the contributionThe Ongoing Indecision of Singles: : Conceptual and Emotional Aspects of Establishing a Permanent Relationship
Original languageHebrew
Pages (from-to)148-179
Number of pages32
Journalמגמות: רבעון למדעי ההתנהגות
Issue number3
StatePublished - 1 Jan 2016

Bibliographical note

Item Citation: מגמות: רבעון למדעי ההתנהגות, 50, 3 (סיון תשע"ו, יוני 2016), עמ' 148-179

Accession Number: edsihp.000908187; Publication Type: Academic Journal; Source: מגמות: רבעון למדעי ההתנהגות; Language: Hebrew; Publication Date: 20160101


  • רווקים ורווקות.
  • קבלת החלטות.
  • שביעות רצון.
  • בחירת בני זוג.
  • דתיים.
  • זוגיות.
  • Single people
  • Decision making
  • Satisfaction
  • Content (Psychology)
  • Mate selection
  • Orthodox Jews
  • Man-woman relationships

RAMBI Publications

  • RAMBI Publications
  • Single people -- Psychology
  • Decision making
  • Orthodox Jews -- Israel
  • Man-woman relationships


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