The Meaning and Measure of Organizational Learning Mechanisms in Secondary Schools

Chen Schechter, Lilach Atarchi

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    22 Scopus citations


    Purpose: Organizational learning has been conceptualized as a critical component for school effectiveness. This study explored organizational learning in schools through the conceptual framework of "organizational learning mechanisms" (OLMs) and developed a measure of OLMs at the secondary school level. Research Design: Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses of items were conducted to examine factorial validity. To test the criterion-related validity, the OLM questionnaire was correlated to other constructs-teachers' sense of collective efficacy and teachers' organizational commitment, both of which have been used as independent variables to predict school productivity. Findings: A four-factor model of OLMs in secondary schools was the best fit between the empirical results and the conceptual formulation. The four-factor model included the following factors: disseminating, storing, and retrieving information; distributing information among students and parents; analyzing and interpreting information; and usage of online information. Implications: The present study encourages researchers to explore whether OLMs can serve as a mediating variable between the system level and the classroom level. Using this questionnaire, secondary schools can assess their own learning cycle, analyzing their practices of information processing.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)577-609
    Number of pages33
    JournalEducational Administration Quarterly
    Issue number4
    Early online date4 Nov 2013
    StatePublished - Oct 2014

    Bibliographical note

    Funding Information:
    pointed out that in organizational behavior literature, affective commitment has been more dominant in predicting other important work-related concepts than were the normative and continuance dimensions of organizational commitment. Moreover, the continuance commitment factor was excluded for the next statistical procedures, because an alpha coefficient of .70 is generally perceived as the minimum recommended for using composite scales in statistical analysis (; ). This exclusion was supported by earlier research suggesting that continuance commitment was unrelated to work behaviors ().


    • collective efficacy
    • organizational commitment
    • organizational learning
    • organizational learning mechanisms
    • secondary schools


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