The level scheme of 139La studied by photoexcitation with thermal neutron capture gamma rays

H. Szichman, Y. Schlesinger, G. Ben-David, D. Pavel

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

15 Scopus citations


Nuclear resonant scattering of photons from several (n, γ) reactions was used to study bound nuclear levels in the 6-9 MeV region in 139La. The results obtained in the de-excitation of six resonant levels at energies 6115, 6418, 6760, 7637, 8527 and 8582 keV are presented. From the angular distribution of the elastically scattered photons, a spin of 9 2 was deduced for the 6115 and 6418 keV levels. On the basis of the angular distribution of the inelastically scattered photons the following spin assignments were made for four of the low-lying levels: 1219( 9 2), 1421(7 2 or 11 2), 1687(7 2) and 1770(9 2). Hitherto unknown levels were found at 1894 and 2159 keV. Total radiation widths were measured and found to be 79 ± 17 meV for the 6115 keV resonant level, 45 ±9 meV for the 6418 keV level and > 60 meV for the 6760 keV level.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)369-379
Number of pages11
JournalNuclear Physics A
Issue number2
StatePublished - 15 Jun 1970


  • Nuclear Reactions


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