The koinon of kosadar in maresha: A hellenistic private association in the levant

Avner Ecker, Benedikt Eckhardt

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2 Scopus citations


A late third- or early second-century BCE ostracon discovered within the fills of a subterranean complex (no. 169) at the site of Maresha records the koinon (association) of Kosadar fining a certain person called Rhodon for the sum of no less than 40 silver Drachmae. The ostracon was discovered in the company of two other similar, albeit fragmentary, ostraca. Since the association is named by a personal name, we suggest it was a private association. Though the existence of fines is well recorded in regulations of private associations known from the Hellenistic world on stone and papyri, these are the first documents to be discovered that record the actual imposition of one. Furthermore, this is the earliest evidence for a private association in the Southern Levant, and as such constitutes a 'missing link' in the development of Grcck-typc institutions in the region.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)192-207
Number of pages16
JournalIsrael Exploration Journal
Issue number2
StatePublished - 2018

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© Israel Exploration Society. All rights reserved.


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