The excavations at Tel 'Eton (2006-2009): A preliminary report

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30 Scopus citations


Tel 'Eton, commonly identified with biblical 'Eglon, is a large site in the trough valley in the southeastern Shephelah. Since the summer of 2006, Bar-Ilan University has been carrying out a large-scale exploration project at the site and its surroundings. The excavations were preceded by a detailed mapping of the site, which was subsequently divided into 39 sub-units. This was followed by survey and shovel tests in each of those units, and by full-scale excavations in four excavation areas. It appears that the site was first settled in the Early Bronze Age, and again in the Middle Bronze Age to the late Iron Age (8 th century BCE). Following a settlement gap in the 7 th-5th centuries BCE, the site was resettled for a short period in the late Persian or early Hellenistic period. Among the major finds is a thick Assyrian destruction layer (8th century BCE), which sealed many houses with their content, including many pottery vessels, metal artifacts, and botanical material (some still within the vessels), and many additional finds. The present article summarizes the results of the explorations of the site in 2006-2009.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)198-224
Number of pages27
JournalPalestine Exploration Quarterly
Issue number3
StatePublished - Oct 2011


  • Eglon
  • Iron Age
  • Shephelah
  • Tel 'Eton


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