The Crime of Rape in Jewish Law

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


This paper, part of a larger study exploring the treatment of rape in Jewish law (halakhah), will focus on rabbinic readings of the biblical sources. How did the Talmud understand the crime of rape? Did the rabbis see rape only as a property offense? What distinguishes rape from seduction? What is the meaning of the Talmudic statement: "an act performed under compulsion may have terminated with her consent"? Can a husband rape his wife? The paper will also consider modern halakhic approaches and a feminist critique that follows the path of Catharine MacKinnon, who identifies sexual vulnerability as a main instrument of patriarchal dominance.
Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - 2012
EventThe Society of Jewish Ethics - Annual Meeting - Washington, United States
Duration: 5 Jan 20128 Jan 2012 (Website)


ConferenceThe Society of Jewish Ethics - Annual Meeting
Country/TerritoryUnited States
Internet address


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