The Character of Joab in the Book of Chronicles

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Much has been written about the way in which the Chronicler re-shaped the “important” characters of previously-existing narratives, especially in Samuel and Kings, in order to make those characters fit the themes that the Chronicler wished to convey. This is also true for several “minor” characters, of which Joab, chief or David's army, is one. This paper compares the way Joab is pictured in Samuel-Kings to his character in Chronicles, beginning with his mention in the genealogies and in the conquest of Jerusalem, and his not being mentioned in the civil war between David and Ish-bosheth, which the Chronicler skips. These and other additions and deletions picture Joab very differently than in Samuel-Kings. The final part of the paper then suggests that the Chronicler had specific source-material on which he based his depiction of Joab. - See more at:
Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - 2011
EventThe Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting - San Francisco, United States
Duration: 19 Nov 201122 Nov 2011 (Website)


ConferenceThe Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting
Country/TerritoryUnited States
CitySan Francisco
Internet address


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