Temperature dependence of the fine structure of the C and E absorption bands in RbMnF 3 below the néel temperature

A. V. Malakhovskiĭ, T. P. Morozova

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The variation in the parameters (width, position, intensity) of the fine structure lines in the C[ 6 A 1g4 E 1g , 4 E g ( 4 G)] and E[ 6 A 1g4 E g ( 4 D)] bands in RbMnF 3 with temperature is studied in the temperature range 10-70 K. In the C band, two narrow (<6 cm -1 ) lines are distinguished at distances of 77 and 80 cm -1 from the exciton line at T = 10 K. The other lines in the C band and all lines in the E band are more than 20 cm -1 wide. It is demonstrated that the narrow lines become allowed because of the spin-exchange interaction within a long-range magnetic order model and originate from the excitation of exciton-magnon bound states and that the other lines are made allowed by the exchange-vibronic mechanism within a short-range magnetic order model and originate from the excitation of bound states composed of an exciton, magnon, and oddparity phonon. The vibrational replicas of the main exciton-magnon-phonon lines are due to the quadratic vibronic interaction with odd-parity vibrations. Variations of the intensities and widths of the absorption lines with temperature indicate that these parameters are affected by relaxation and delocalization of the bound states.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)283-290
Number of pages8
JournalPhysics of the Solid State
Issue number2
StatePublished - Jan 2006
Externally publishedYes


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