Temperature dependence of the electric quadrupole interaction in PbHfO3

Y. Yeshurun, Y. Schlesinger, S. Havlin

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The temperature dependence of the Electric Field Gradient (EFG) in PbHfO3 was studied in the temperature range 25-225°C by the Differential Perturbed Angular Correlation method. In the two anti-ferroelectric phases below 215°C, not too close to either transition temperature, the EFG decreases as the temperature increases toward Tc. Just above Tc an abrupt rise of EFG was observed indicating a critically behaving contribution to EFG. The results are interpreted in terms of a model based on the local static as well as time-dependent changes of the electric environment, at a lattice site. In accord with the predictions of this model the results exhibit qualitatively the P2s temperature dependence of EFG far from Tc, where Ps is the sub-lattice polarization, while in close proximity to Tc the dominant contribution to EFG is due to the susceptibility Xq connected with the soft-mode fluctuations. The derived critical exponents are in agreement with previous experimental results on related compounds and with theoretical predictions. A hitherto unobserved additional component of Vzz was established, behaving critically at the antiferro-paraelectric transition at 215°C. This new component is interpreted to originate in local fluctuations connected with the central mode.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)231-237
Number of pages7
JournalJournal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids
Issue number3
StatePublished - 1979


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