Team Culture Perceptions, Commitment, and Effectiveness: Teamwork Effects 1

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    This study sought a model for describing relations between teachers' team culture perceptions, organizational commitment, and school effectiveness by considering the effects of the school's focus on teamwork. The paper presented an integrative approach by combining multiple constructs that previously had for the most part been investigated separately. A total of 375 elementary teachers participated. SEM was applied to examine the proposed model. Results indicated that in all schools, teachers' affective commitment mediated the relations of teachers' team culture perceptions with students' achievements and teachers' voluntary absenteeism, whereas normative commitment mediated the relations between teachers' team culture perceptions and teachers' intent to leave. Teachers who focused on teamwork presented a relatively “strong comprehensive” team cultural profile in their schools; whereas teachers working routinely presented a relatively “weak comprehensive” team profile. Findings encourage developing a strong comprehensive profile of team culture through teachers' workshops and weekly team meetings.
    Original languageAmerican English
    Pages (from-to)33-56
    JournalEducational Practice and Theory
    Issue number2
    StatePublished - 2010


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