Teaching French in an Israeli Academic Context: Overcoming Challenges Related to the French Past Tense System

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Our paper addresses the challenges related to the acquisition of the French indicative mood tenses by Hebrew-speakers learning French as a foreign language in an academic environment, with a particular focus on teaching the past tense-aspect microsystem. As a first step we will present the basic differences between the two verbal systems as well as disparities related to the expression of perfective and imperfective aspects and examine the way Israeli handbooks for French learning attempt to overcome these obstacles. Finally, we present tools and means (a) to help students fill the gap between Hebrew and French tense-aspect divergences; (b) to improve students' awareness of the effective use of different tenses and aspects; (c) to help students become accustomed to a system where aspectual nuances are expressed grammatically instead of lexically.
Original languageAmerican English
Pages (from-to)9-20
JournalRevue internationale MÉTHODAL Méthodologie de l'enseignement/apprentissage des langues
Issue number2019
StatePublished - 2019


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