Systoles of 2-complexes, Reeb graph, and Grushko decomposition

Mikhail G. Katz, Yuli B. Rudyak, Stéphane Sabourau

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11 Scopus citations


Let X be a finite 2-complex with unfree fundamental group. We prove lower bounds for the area of a metric on X, in terms of the square of the least length of a noncontractible loop in X. We thus establish a uniform systolic inequality for all unfree 2-complexes.Our inequality improves the constant in Gromov's inequality in this dimension. The argument relies on the Reeb graph and the coarea formula, combined with an induction on the number of freely indecomposable factors in Grushko's decomposition of the fundamental group. More specifically, we construct a kind of a Reeb space "minimal model" for X, reminiscent of the "chopping off long fingers" construction used by Gromov in the context of surfaces. As a consequence, we prove the agreement of the Lusternik-Schnirelmann and systolic categories of a 2-complex.

Original languageEnglish
Article number54936
JournalInternational Mathematics Research Notices
StatePublished - 2006


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