Surface and deep learning processes in distance education: Synchronous versus asynchronous systems

Baruch Offir, Yossi Lev, Rachel Bezalel

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    156 Scopus citations


    Distance learning is different from regular learning in the classroom. One of the main factors which influence the effectiveness of the learning process is the interaction that exists between the teacher and the student. Our research indicates that different interactions have different effects. There are two methods used for implementing distance learning systems, i.e. synchronous and asynchronous. Our research is based on the model developed by Oliver and McLaughlin. According to this model, there exist five types of teacher-student interactions: social, procedural, expository, explanatory and cognitive. The present study refers to the cognitive interaction and differentiates between surface processes and deep processes. The study presents different variables and their influences on the students' achievements and their satisfaction from learning via a synchronous versus an asynchronous distance learning system. The interaction level between the students and the teacher and among the students was found to be a significant factor in determining the effectiveness of the teaching method. The observations and interviews which we held with the students helped clarify the information that was obtained using the quantitative research tools, and showed that the presence of a teacher-student interaction which accompanies the learning process is very important for all learners. However, students with high-level thinking can overcome the low-level of interactions in asynchronous learning.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)1172-1183
    Number of pages12
    JournalComputers and Education
    Issue number3
    StatePublished - Nov 2008


    • Asynchronous system
    • Cognitive interaction
    • Deep processing
    • Distance education
    • Interactions
    • Surface processing
    • Synchronous system


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