Suprachoroidal haemorrhage after valsalva in a myopic eye with circular buckle

Haneen Y. Jabaly-Habib, Modi Naftali, Hanna J. Garzozi

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


This report is of a highly myopic patient with valsalva-induced suprachoroidal haemorrhage in the right eye with a previous encircling buckle. The choroidal haemorrhage was diagnosed primarily by B-scan ultrasound due to vitreous haemorrhage precluding fundus examination. At follow-up, all haemorrhages resolved spontaneously, and the patient's pre-event visual acuity recovered. The rare occurrence of suprachoroidal haemorrhage as a part of valsalva-induced retinopathy, and the role of the circular scleral buckle as a risk factor is discussed.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)11-12
Number of pages2
JournalAsian Journal of Ophthalmology
Issue number3
StatePublished - 2003
Externally publishedYes


  • Hemorrhage
  • Myopia
  • Retinopathy
  • Scleral buckling
  • Valsalva


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