Superhydrophobic metallic surfaces and theirwetting properties

Edward Bormashenko, Tamir Stein, Gene Whyman, Roman Pogreb, Semion Sutovsky, Yifat Danoch, Yamit Shoham, Yelena Bormashenko, Boris Sorokov, Doron Aurbach

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


Two-scaled polymer patterns possessing high roughness are produced using the hot-embossing technique and coating with chromium. After covering the rough polymer surface with this metal, the resulting surface demonstrates pronounced hydrophobic properties, with water drops having apparent contact angles as high as 150°. As revealed by SEM, the surface is patterned on two scales which is known to be an important condition for superhydrophobicity of inherently wettable surfaces. The modified Cassie-Baxter approach has been used for the present relief. The calculated values of the apparent contact angles agree with the observed ones. It is important to note that the apparent contact angles almost do not depend on the local contact angles.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationSuperhydrophobic Surfaces
PublisherCRC Press
Number of pages8
ISBN (Electronic)9789004193338
ISBN (Print)9789004165939
StatePublished - 1 Jan 2009

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2009 by Koninklijke Brill NV Leiden The Netherlands.


  • Cassie-Baxter model
  • Hierarchical patterns
  • Superhydrophobicity
  • Wetting of metals


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