Study of sediment dynamics in the Jordan River-Lake Kinneret contact zone using tracer methods

Boris Shteinman, David Wynne, Yury Kamenir

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2 Scopus citations


Sedimentation processes in the Jordan River-Lake Kinneret contact zone were studied using radioactive, magnetic and fluorescent tracers (RT, MT, FT, respectively). The natural RT method is based on the differences in natural radioactivity of river and lake sediments with different mineral composition. The natural MT method uses the magnetic properties of natural sediments. The FT method uses fluorescently tagged sediment particles placed on the bottom. Field measurements in the Jordan River mouth zone have shown that practically all the sediment (75%) brought by the river is deposited along a 100 m path from the river mouth. The sedimentation rate, measured using tracer methods, agrees well with rates obtained from a theoretical model that describes changes in concentration of suspended particulate matter along the jet flow in the river mouth.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)275-284
Number of pages10
JournalIAHS-AISH Publication
Issue number261
StatePublished - 2000


  • Alluvial sedimentation processes
  • Jordan River mouth
  • Tracer methods


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