Structure and evolution of warm core eddies in the eastern Mediterranean Levantine basin.

S. Brenner

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Two recent cruises of the R/V Shikmona provided detailed coverage of a large portion of the Levantine Basin of the eastern Mediterranean. The first cruise was conducted in October 1985, corresponding to late summer, and the second was in March 1986, corresponding to the following winter. An objective analysis of the combined conductivity-temperature-depth and expendable bathythermograph data from these cruises reveals a variety of warm core and cold core mesoscale eddies during both seasons. Some of these features are unique to each cruise while others appear to retain their identities from summer to winter. Of the latter, there are two intense anticyclonic eddies. One of these appears to have formed off the coast of Egypt as a meander of the North African current. The other is a rather persistent quasi-stationary feature to the southeast of Cyprus which has been seen near this location for over 3 years. Lack of adequate satellite images for the period and region covered led us to use water mass properties to identify and track the development of these two eddies. Below the layer of seasonal influence it was found that each eddy had a unique signature in its TS diagram which changed very little over the 6 months covered by the two cruises and the period between them. The water mass properties also provide additional evidence as to the possible formation regions for these two eddies.
Original languageAmerican English
Pages (from-to)12593-12602
JournalJournal of Geophysical Research
StatePublished - 1989


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