Stability analysis of one-dimensional dynamical systems applied to beating heart

Gila Fruchter, Shlomo Ben-Haim

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


In this work we present a new model of the beating heart. The model is described by a one-dimensional nonlinear discrete dynamical system which depends on several parameters. Applying stability analysis we find those domains in the parameter space in which the equilibrium point of the system (the fixed point) is an attractor and in which it is unstable. We show that these cases correspond to a normal and abnormal beating heart, i.e. when the heart ejects time invariant and time variant stable stroke volumes, respectively. On transition between these domains there is a bifurcation which gives rise to a pair of attracting points of period 2. It is shown that this corresponds to a special case of abnormal beating heart called mechanical alternance.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages5
StatePublished - 1989
Externally publishedYes
Event1989 IEEE International Conference on Control and Applications, ICCON 1989 - Jerusalem, Israel
Duration: 3 Apr 19896 Apr 1989


Conference1989 IEEE International Conference on Control and Applications, ICCON 1989

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© ICCON 1989 - IEEE International Conference on Control and Applications, Proceedings.


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