Square Fermi surface model for conduction in linear chain mercury compounds: Hg3-δAsF6

M. Kaveh, E. Ehrenfreund

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

7 Scopus citations


The unusual temperature dependence of the electrical resistivity of Hg3-δAsF6 (δ = 0.18-0.22) is discussed in the framework of a nearly square Fermi surface model. This model predicts a T3 dependence of the resistivity, in close agreement with the recently observed T2.8 dependence.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)709-712
Number of pages4
JournalSolid State Communications
Issue number10
StatePublished - Sep 1979

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
THE COMPOUND Hg3-6 AsF6 (with 8 = 0.18-0.22) has recently been the subject of considerable experimental interest \[1-4\].T his compound consists \[4-6\] of metallic chains of mercury ions embedded in a matrix of octahedral AsF6-ions from a tetragonal lattice (see Fig. 1) with a = b = 7.54A, within which there are arrays of non-intersecting mercury chains parallel to the axis or the b axis. However, there are no chains parallel to the ~ axis. Recently, it was found \[I, 5\] that the electrical conductivity of Hg3-6AsF6 possesses striking anisotropic properties. The conductivity in the a-b plane appears to be isotropic, whereas the conductivity in the c direction is two orders of magnitude smaller at room temperatures. The a-b plane conductivity remains metallic down to the lowest measured temperatures (~ 1 K) and provides an opportunity for theoretical studies of low-dimensional metallic systems at helium temperatures. The a-b plane resistivity shows several unique features \[1,2, 7, 8\]. At low temperatures, Pab ~x T 2.8 without any indication \[8, 9\] of residual resistivity even at temperatures as low \[1\ ] as 1.2 K. By contrast, for pure mercury metal one does find \[10\]t he usual Bloch behaviour pcx T s below 3 K. Furthermore, application of a magnetic field \[1,7\] produces residual resistivity much larger than the temperature.dependent part of the resistivity p(T), which by itself is independent of the applied .magnetic field. At higher temperatures, say T> 5OK, p(T) is found \[1,7, 8\] to be proportional to T 3/2 . In this Note, we concentrate on the temperature * This research was supported by a grant from the United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation (BSF), Jerusalem, Israel.


THE COMPOUND Hg3-6 AsF6 (with 8 = 0.18-0.22) has recently been the subject of considerable experimental interest \[1-4\].T his compound consists \[4-6\] of metallic chains of mercury ions embedded in a matrix of octahedral AsF6-ions from a tetragonal lattice (see Fig. 1) with a = b = 7.54A, within which there are arrays of non-intersecting mercury chains parallel to the axis or the b axis. However, there are no chains parallel to the ~ axis. Recently, it was found \[I, 5\] that the electrical conductivity of Hg3-6AsF6 possesses striking anisotropic properties. The conductivity in the a-b plane appears to be isotropic, whereas the conductivity in the c direction is two orders of magnitude smaller at room temperatures. The a-b plane conductivity remains metallic down to the lowest measured temperatures (~ 1 K) and provides an opportunity for theoretical studies of low-dimensional metallic systems at helium temperatures. The a-b plane resistivity shows several unique features \[1,2, 7, 8\]. At low temperatures, Pab ~x T 2.8 without any indication \[8, 9\] of residual resistivity even at temperatures as low \[1\ ] as 1.2 K. By contrast, for pure mercury metal one does find \[10\]t he usual Bloch behaviour pcx T s below 3 K. Furthermore, application of a magnetic field \[1,7\] produces residual resistivity much larger than the temperature.dependent part of the resistivity p(T), which by itself is independent of the applied .magnetic field. At higher temperatures, say T> 5OK, p(T) is found \[1,7, 8\] to be proportional to T 3/2 . In this Note, we concentrate on the temperature * This research was supported by a grant from the United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation (BSF), Jerusalem, Israel.

FundersFunder number
United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation


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