Spectral and angular correlations in disordered wave guides

Eugene Kogan, Moshe Kaveh

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We study the intensity-intensity auto-correlation function of a disordered medium as a simultaneous function of the wave frequency change Δω, the change in incident wave vector Δqa and the change in scattered wave vector Δqb. For a restricted geometry such as a long narrow disordered wave guide, we find that the auto-correlation function C(Δω, Δqa, Δqb) decouples in the following way: C(Δω, Δqa, Δqb)=C1(Δω)F(Δqa)F(Δqb)+C2(Δω)[F(Δq a)+F(Δqb)], where C1(Δω) and C2(Δω) are the short-range and the long-range spectral auto-correlation functions, respectively, and F is a geometrical form factor. When the width of the wave guide becomes larger than its length the decoupling breaks down.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)493-496
Number of pages4
JournalPhysics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics
Issue number6
StatePublished - 2 Mar 1992


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