Spatial variability of overland flow in a small arid basin.

H. Lavee, A. Yair, D. E. Wallings, A. Yair, S. Berkowicz

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

1 Scopus citations


Overland flow generation and continuity along hillslopes in a small arid drainage basin in the northern Negev, Israel, has been assessed on the basis of field measurements. Variables measured included rainfall, overland flow, evaporation, infiltration rates and soil moisture. Data obtained show great spatial and temporal variability among all variables. The most frequent phenomenon encountered was overland flow discontinuity along slopes having lengths ranging from 55 to 76 m. This discontinuity is attributed to the short duration of rain showers and can be enhanced by surface properties (where the infiltration rate increases downslope). A deterministic simulation model for the spatial and temporal variations in overland flow along the hillslopes was developed taking into consideration the spatial and temporal distribution of the variables mentioned above. The model is based upon functions derived from the field measurements and permits the delineation of the hillslope area contributing to channel flow under various rain conditions. Results obtained may explain the use of certain water-harvesting techniques adopted by farmers living in the area some 2000 years ago. (A)

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationUnknown Host Publication Title
PublisherWallingford, U.K., International Association of
ISBN (Print)094757137X, 9780947571375
StatePublished - 1990


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