Source localization of temporal lobe epilepsy using PCA - LORETA analysis on ictal EEG recordings

Yaki Stern, Miriam Y. Neufeld, Svetlana Kipervasser, Amir Zilberstein, Itzhak Fried, Mina Teicher, Esther Adi-Japha

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21 Scopus citations


Localizing the source of an epileptic seizure using noninvasive EEG suffers from inaccuracies produced by other generators not related to the epileptic source. The authors isolated the ictal epileptic activity, and applied a source localization algorithm to identify its estimated location. Ten ictal EEG scalp recordings from five different patients were analyzed. The patients were known to have temporal lobe epilepsy with a single epileptic focus that had a concordant MRI lesion. The patients had become seizure-free following partial temporal lobectomy. A midinterval (∼5 seconds) period of ictal activity was used for Principal Component Analysis starting at ictal onset. The level of epileptic activity at each electrode (i.e., the eigenvector of the component that manifest epileptic characteristic), was used as an input for low-resolution tomography analysis for EEG inverse solution (). The algorithm accurately and robustly identified the epileptic focus in these patients. Principal component analysis and source localization methods can be used in the future to monitor the progression of an epileptic seizure and its expansion to other areas.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)109-116
Number of pages8
JournalJournal of Clinical Neurophysiology
Issue number2
StatePublished - Apr 2009


  • Epilepsy
  • PCA
  • Source localization


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