Solidification of non-halogen fire-retardant liquids by encapsulation within porous uniform PDVB microspheres for preparation of fire-retardant polymeric blends

Jenny Goldshtein, Uriel Bretler, Tammy Lublin-Tennenbaum, Eran Gluz, Shlomo Margel

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

4 Scopus citations


Polystyrene/polydivinyl benzene (PS/PDVB) composite microspheres of narrow size distribution were prepared by a single-step swelling process of uniform PS microspheres with DVB and benzoyl peroxide, followed by polymerization of DVB within the microspheres. Dissolution of the PS template resulted in porous uniformly sized PDVB microspheres. New, solid, non-halogenated, fire-retardant composite microspheres of narrow size distribution were prepared by encapsulation of resorcinol bis (diphenyl phosphate) (RDP) within the pores of the PDVB microspheres. The encapsulation was performed by two different methods as follows: (1) vacuum and (2) heat/cool cycles. The loading capacity of the RDP into the PDVB particles was elucidated. PS/PDVB-RDP blends were prepared by mixing PS with the PDVB-RDP microspheres. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) illustrated that the thermal stability of the PS increases as the content (10-40 %) of the PDVB-RDP increased. Polycarbonate/poly(acrylonitrile-butadiene- styrene)/PDVB-RDP (PC/ABS/PDVB-RDP) blends were prepared by melting PC/ABS together with the PDVB-RDP microspheres at 250 °C and then pelleting it in an injection molding machine at 250 °C and 40 t. The improved thermal stability of the PC/ABS by blending it with PDVB-RDP was demonstrated by a vertical burn test on PC/ABS/PDVB-RDP bones.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2241-2248
Number of pages8
JournalColloid and Polymer Science
Issue number9
StatePublished - Sep 2014

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
These studies were partially supported by a Minerva Grant (Microscale & Nanoscale Particles and Films) and by The Israeli Ministry of Commerce & Industry (NFM Consortium on Nanoparticles for Industrial Applications). Thanks to Oleg Palchik from Kafrit Industries, Israel for his assistance in the preparation of the PC/ABS/PDVB-RDP blends and in the vertical burn tests.


These studies were partially supported by a Minerva Grant (Microscale & Nanoscale Particles and Films) and by The Israeli Ministry of Commerce & Industry (NFM Consortium on Nanoparticles for Industrial Applications). Thanks to Oleg Palchik from Kafrit Industries, Israel for his assistance in the preparation of the PC/ABS/PDVB-RDP blends and in the vertical burn tests.

FundersFunder number
Israeli Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Nemzeti Fejlesztési Minisztérium


    • Encapsulation
    • Non-halogen fire retardant
    • PDVB microspheres
    • RDP
    • Resorcinol bis (diphenyl phosphate)


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