Simulation of spectroscopic patterns obtained in W/C test-limiter sputtering experiment at TEXTOR

D. Kondratyev, D. Borodin, A. Kirschner, S. Brezinsek, J. W. Coenen, M. Laengner, H. Stoschus, L. Vainshtein, A. Pospieszczyk, U. Samm

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6 Scopus citations


On the TEXTOR tokamak various experiments aimed at investigation of tungsten erosion and transport are performed. In one experiment a spherical W/C twin limiter positioned close to the last-closed flux surface in the near scrape-off layer was exposed to a number of comparable plasma discharges with stepwise variations of edge plasma parameters. Spatial distribution of tungsten and carbon light emission was recorded with two dimensional CCD cameras and spectrometer systems with high spectral and spatial resolution. Penetration depths, tungsten sputtering fluxes and erosion yields were measured. Comparison between experimental data and the results of modelling with the 3D Monte-Carlo code ERO is performed. The main objective of this study was to test the adequacy of the existing atomic data for neutral tungsten. The modelled penetration depths of the light emission of tungsten are a factor of 2-3 smaller than in experiment, which may indicate the overestimation of ionization rates.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)S351-S355
JournalJournal of Nuclear Materials
Issue numberSUPPL
StatePublished - 2013
Externally publishedYes


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