Short collision search in arbitrary SL2 homomorphic hash functions.

Ciaran Mullan, Boaz Tsaban

Research output: Working paper / PreprintPreprint


We study homomorphic hash functions into SL(2,q), the 2x2 matrices with determinant 1 over the field with q elements. Modulo a well supported number theoretic hypothesis, which holds in particular for concrete homomorphisms proposed thus far, we provide a worst case to average case reduction for these hash functions: upto a logarithmic factor, a random homomorphism is as secure as _any_ concrete homomorphism. For a family of homomorphisms containing several concrete proposals in the literature, we prove that collisions of length O(log(q)) can be found in running time O(sqrt(q)). For general homomorphisms we offer an algorithm that, heuristically and according to experiments, in running time O(sqrt(q)) finds collisions of length O(log(q)) for q even, and length O(log^2(q)/loglog(q))$ for arbitrary q. While exponetial time, our algorithms are faster in practice than all earlier generic algorithms, and produce much shorter collisions.
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Original languageEnglish
PublisherCornell University Library,
StatePublished - 2013

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