Shock-Incarceration Programs in Israeli Sanctioning Policy: Toward a New Model of Punishment

E. Tomer

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Issues such as prison overcrowding, a growing realization that prisons cannot rehabilitate, and the belief that many inmates could be adequately managed in less intrusive and costly settings, have led Israeli scholars and practitioners, in the last four decades, to devote efforts to the development of alternative sanctions to imprisonment. Specifically, the focus has been on the development and elaboration of alternative sanctions that match the severity of punishment to the seriousness of the crime. Intermediate sanctions (also called “alternative sanctions,” “alternatives to imprisonment,” or “community-based sanctions”) have been proposed as “ways to manage the burgeoning numbers of offenders without sacrificing public safety.” These punishment options are considered to fall on a continuum between traditional probation supervision and traditional incarceration.
Original languageAmerican English
Pages (from-to)147-177
JournalThe Israel Law Review
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2002


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