Script as a priming stimulus for lexical decisions with visual hemifield stimulation

Miriam Faust, Harvey Babkoff

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23 Scopus citations


The present study examined the effect of script-based priming stimuli on the ability to discriminate word from nonword targets (lexical decision) presented to the right or left visual hemifield (RVF, LVF). The scripts contained two sentences. In addition, the targets were either related or unrelated to the preceding script. Although the greatest amount of facilitation was found for RVF-presented target stimuli following related scripts, nevertheless, scripts significantly facilitated lexical decisions for related word targets presented to the LVF as well. If the script represents 'knowledge of the world,' and it is knowledge of the world that facilitates word from nonword discrimination, then knowledge of the world was available to right hemisphere lexical mechanisms. However, the superior discrimination of RVF-presented targets after relevant scripts argues that either the left hemisphere is more efficient or each of the hemispheres processes script primes by a different mechanism.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)423-437
Number of pages15
JournalBrain and Language
Issue number3
StatePublished - May 1997


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