Risk factors in road crossing among elderly pedestrians and readiness to adopt safe behavior in socio-economic comparison

Tova Rosenbloom, Yael Sapir-Lavid, Amotz Perlman

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

14 Scopus citations


This research examines the Health Promotion Behavior (HPB) models regarding elderly pedestrians' behaviors and attitudes. We studied cognitive-psychological variables, such as risk estimation, self-efficacy and demographic variables and compared elderly pedestrians' attitudes and behaviors in a city with higher socio-economic level (Tel Aviv) versus a city with low socio-economic level (Beer Sheva). We expected to find more problematic behaviors among elderly pedestrians in the low socio-economic city compared to the high socio-economic city, and also less feeling of self-efficacy, and lessened awareness of the risks, that leads to lessened willingness to adopt preventive behaviors. The research was conducted in two studies. The first study was based on observations on 2591 pedestrians in six similar crosswalks in both cities. It revealed that pedestrians in the high socio-economic city demonstrated safer road crossing patterns than in the low socio-economic city and that elderly pedestrians reveal safer crossing patterns than younger pedestrians. We found an interaction of location and age due to greater gap of safe behaviors of elderly and young pedestrians in the high socio-economic city than in the low socio-economic city. In Tel Aviv elderly adhere to the crossing rules much more than the young while in Beer Sheva elderly and young people are almost similar in their crossing patterns. The second study used questionnaires that have been completed by 143 elderly in both cities. The questionnaires referred to (a) demographic variables such as gender, age, marital status, education, socio-economic level, (b) variables related to the affiliation to the main culture such as migration, date of migration, knowledge in Hebrew (local language) and connectivity to media and (c) cognitive as well as psychological variables related to the decline to adopt healthy behaviors based on Schwarzer and Fuchs (1995). This part also indicated that elderly in Tel Aviv have higher awareness of risk factors on the road and their limitations as elderly pedestrians. The HPB (Pender, 1996) emphasizes the role of risk perception as a predictor of willingness to adopt preventive strategies. Moreover, elderly pedestrians in Beer Sheva compared to those in Tel Aviv estimated their ability to cross safely the streets as higher.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)23-31
Number of pages9
JournalAccident Analysis and Prevention
StatePublished - 1 Aug 2016

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


  • Elderly
  • Hpb
  • Pedestrian risk factors
  • Peripheral-Center
  • Safe road crossing
  • Socio-economic status


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