Register of dietary assessment calibration-validation studies: A status report

Frances E. Thompson, James E. Moler, Laurence S. Freedman, Carolyn K. Clifford, Gloria J. Stables, Walter C. Willett

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

25 Scopus citations


A register of dietary assessment calibration-validation studies was created to improve communication between investigators, avoid duplication of effort, and identify gaps in knowledge. Calibration-validation studies were defined as investigations in which the participants completed at least two different dietary measurements. A questionnaire soliciting descriptive information about such studies was widely distributed. Completed questionnaires were received from October 1993 through September 1994 and the data from them were entered into a computer database. Preliminary individual reports were mailed to all contributors in September 1994 for revision or updating. Responses received by the end of October 1994 were incorporated into the database. A status report was published in December 1994. The report includes descriptions of 84 studies, 15 summary tables, and 6 reference indexes. Of the 84 studies included, 44 (52%) were conducted in North America, 35 (42%) in Europe, 2 (2%) in South America, 2 (2%) in Asia, and 1 (1%) in Australia. Sixty-three of the 84 studies (75%) used food-frequency questionnaires, 52 (62%) used food records, 35 (42%) used one or more dietary recalls, 11 (13%) used biological measures, and 8 (10%) used diet histories. Plans for maintaining and updating the register are being developed.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1142S-1147S
JournalAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition
Issue number4 SUPPL.
StatePublished - Apr 1997


  • 24-h dietary recall
  • Validation
  • calibration
  • dietary assessment
  • dietary surveys
  • food records
  • food-frequency questionnaire


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