Reaction front for A+BC diffusion-reaction systems with initially separated reactants

Hernan Larralde, Mariela Araujo, Shlomo Havlin, H. Eugene Stanley

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97 Scopus citations


We study both analytically and numerically the A+BC reaction-diffusion system for the case of initially separated reactants. We find the functional forms of the reaction front and also of the concentration profiles of the reactants. The profile of the production rate R(x,t) at site x and time t scales as t-2/3(x/t1/6)3/4exp[-2/3 (x/t1/6)3/2] for the spatial range t1/6xt1/2. Our results are supported by numerical solutions of the reaction-diffusion equation, and are in agreement with Monte Carlo simulations in dimension d=2.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)855-859
Number of pages5
JournalPhysical Review A
Issue number2
StatePublished - 1992


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