Quantum radar: can it really work with high losses? Proc.SPIE

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


The “quantum Radar” seeks to harness quantum entanglement and squeezing to improve the detection of faint targets beyond the best possible classical sensor. The major challenge of the quantum Radar is the very large optical loss of the target beam, which induces vacuum fluctuations and hampers the quantum correlation. In addition, the faint target reflection requires the use of high power beams, which favors high-power stimulated sources of coherent squeezed light over spontaneous low power sources of entangled photons. I will present the lossy SU1,1 nonlinear interferometer with coherent seeding as a candidate for quantum Radar sensing. I will highlight the quantum features of this sensor and report a demonstration of the quantum enhanced interference contrast, even in the presence of high loss.
Original languageEnglish
StatePublished - 5 Mar 2021


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