Psychotherapeutic procedure with religious cult devotees,

M.H. Spero

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The literature dealing with the cult devotee has been primarily descriptive, offering phenomenological reports of psychological characteristics and symptomatology but few reports of specific assessment and psychotherapeutic procedures for management of this unique patient population. The present paper offers a brief review of previous literature and describes specific assessment and interventive procedures which have been successfully applied to an outpatient clinic population of 65 cult devotees. Diagnostic impressions based on psychological testing are reported. Discussion focuses on the contribution of diagnostic and clinical findings to the conceptualization of cultic religiosity as a regressive phenomenon. © 1982 by The Williams & Wilkins Co.,
Original languageAmerican English
Pages (from-to)332
JournalJournal of Nervous and Mental Disease,
Issue number6,
StatePublished - 1982


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