Psychometric properties of the hebrew translation of the patient activation measure (PAM-13)

Racheli Magnezi, Saralee Glasser

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

38 Scopus citations


Objective: "Patient activation" reflects involvement in managing ones health. This cross-sectional study assessed the psychometric properties of the Hebrew translation (PAM-H) of the PAM-13.

Methods: A nationally representative sample of 203 Hebrew-speaking Israeli adults answered the PAM-H, PHQ-9 depression scale, SF-12, and Self-efficacy Scale via telephone.

Results: Mean PAM-H scores were 70.7615.4. Rasch analysis indicated that the PAM-H is a good measure of activation. There were no differences in PAM-H scores based on gender, age or education. Subjects with chronic disease scored lower than those without. Scores correlated with the Self-efficacy Scale (0.47), Total SF-12 (0.39) and PHQ-9 (20.35, P,0.0001), indicating concurrent validity. Discriminant validity was reflected by a significant difference in the mean PAM-H score of those who scored below 10 (72.1614.8) on the PHQ-9 (not depressed) compared to those scoring $10 (i.e. probable depression) (59.2615.8; t 3.75; P = 0.001).

Conclusion: The PAM-H psychometric properties indicate its usefulness with the Hebrew-speaking Israeli population.

Practice Implications: PAM-H can be useful for assessing programs aimed at effecting changes in patient compliance, health behaviors, etc. Researchers in Israel should use a single translation of the PAM-13 so that findings can be compared, increasing understanding of patient activation.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere113391
JournalPLoS ONE
Issue number11
StatePublished - 20 Nov 2014

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2014 Magnezi, Glasser.


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