Post-traumatic growth correlates among parents of children with chronic illnesses: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Ofir Negri-Schwartz, Michal Lavidor, Tal Shilton, Doron Gothelf, Ilanit Hasson-Ohayon

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Scopus citations


Parenting a child with a chronic illness presents a complex journey marked by various challenges, along with possible personal growth following these challenges. In this systematic review we present three meta-analyses, in order to examine the associations of post-traumatic growth (PTG) among parents of children with diverse chronic illnesses, and psychological distress, social support, and resilience. Analyzing 34 studies encompassing a total of 5328 parents, the results reveal several key findings. First, PTG was found to be prevalent among the parents. Second, there was no significant correlation between PTG and psychological distress, suggesting that these two processes may exist independently. Third, a positive correlation was observed between PTG and both social support and resilience-related factors, underscoring the role of these factors in fostering growth among parents of children with chronic illnesses. Additionally, illness type emerged as a moderator, affecting the strength of the above-mentioned correlations with PTG. Specifically, in the case of psychiatric illnesses, correlations of PTG with social support and resilience were stronger than in the context of other illnesses. Overall, this review emphasizes the significance of recognizing and addressing PTG correlates among parents of children with chronic illnesses, offering insights for clinical practice.

Original languageAmerican English
Article number102409
JournalClinical Psychology Review
Early online date21 Feb 2024
StatePublished - Apr 2024

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2024 Elsevier Ltd


This article was based on the first author's doctoral dissertation, which was mentored by Prof. Ilanit Hasson-Ohayon of the Department of Psychology at Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel. We wish to thank Adva Maman for her assistance as co-coder in the screening process.


  • Children with chronic illnesses
  • PTG
  • Parental coping
  • Psychotherapy
  • Review
  • meta-analysis


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