Poor manʼs scaling: Anisotropic kondo and coqblin–schrieffer models

Eugene Kogan

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

10 Scopus citations


We discuss Kondo effect for a general model, describing a quantum impurity with degenerate energy levels, interacting with a gas of itinerant electrons, and derive scaling equation to the second order for such a model. We show how the scaling equation for the spin-anisotropic Kondo model with the power law density of states (DOS) for itinerant electrons follows from the general scaling equation. We introduce the anisotropic Coqblin–Schrieffer model, apply the general method to derive scaling equation for that model for the power law DOS, and integrate the derived equation analytically.

Original languageEnglish
Article number085001
JournalJournal of Physics Communications
Issue number8
StatePublished - Aug 2018

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2018 The Author(s).


The research leading to the results presented here was started during the author’s visit to Max-Planck-Institut fur Physik komplexer Systeme, Dresden, continued during the author’s visit to DIPC, San Sebastian/Donostia, and finalized during the author’s visits to Keio University, Yokohama and National Cheng Kung University, Tainan. The author cordially thanks all the Institutions for the hospitality extended to him during those and all his previous visits.

FundersFunder number
Keio University, Yokohama and National Cheng Kung University


    • Coqblin
    • Gas of itinerant electrons
    • Schrieffer models
    • Spin-anisotropic Kondo


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