PARSEC - The pseudopotential algorithm for real-space electronic structure calculations: Recent advances and novel applications to nano-structures

Leeor Kronik, Adi Makmal, Murilo L. Tiago, M. M.G. Alemany, Manish Jain, Xiangyang Huang, Yousef Saad, James R. Chelikowsky

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

248 Scopus citations


We describe the formalism, as well as numerical and implementation issues behind PARSEC - the pseudopotential algorithm for real-space electronic structure calculations. Its current capabilities are illustrated via application of PARSEC to numerous problems in nanoscience.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1063-1079
Number of pages17
JournalPhysica Status Solidi (B): Basic Research
Issue number5
StatePublished - Apr 2006
Externally publishedYes


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