Optical image encryption based on interference under convergent random illumination

Pramod Kumar, Joby Joseph, Kehar Singh

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36 Scopus citations


In an optical image encryption system based on the interference principle, two pure phase masks are designed analytically to hide an image. These two masks are illuminated with a plane wavefront to retrieve the original image in the form of an interference pattern at the decryption plane. Replacement of the plane wavefront with convergent random illumination in the proposed scheme leads to an improvement in the security of interference based encryption. The proposed encryption scheme retains the simplicity of an interference based method, as the two pure masks are generated with an analytical method without any iterative algorithm. In addition to the free-space propagation distance and the two pure phase masks, the convergence distance and the randomized lens phase function are two new encryption parameters to enhance the system security. The robustness of this scheme against occlusion of the random phase mask of the randomized lens phase function is investigated. The feasibility of the proposed scheme is demonstrated with numerical simulation results.

Original languageEnglish
Article number095402
JournalJournal of Optics
Issue number9
StatePublished - Sep 2010
Externally publishedYes


  • Convergent system
  • Fresnel transform
  • Image encryption
  • Interference


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