Onset of an insulating zero-plateau quantum hall state in graphene

E. Shimshoni, H. A. Fertig, G. Venketeswara Pai

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39 Scopus citations


We analyze the dissipative conductance of the zero-plateau quantum Hall state appearing in undoped graphene in strong magnetic fields. Charge transport in this state is assumed to be carried by a magnetic domain wall, which forms by hybridization of two counterpropagating edge states of opposing spin due to interactions. The resulting nonchiral edge mode is a Luttinger liquid of parameter K, which enters a gapped, perfectly conducting state below a critical value Kc≈1/2. Backscattering in this system involves spin flip, so that interaction with localized magnetic moments generates a finite resistivity Rxx via a "chiral Kondo effect." At finite temperatures T, Rxx(T) exhibits a crossover from metallic to insulating behavior as K is tuned across a threshold KMI. For T→0, Rxx in the intermediate regime KMI<K<Kc is finite, but diverges as K approaches Kc. This model provides a natural interpretation of recent experiments.

Original languageEnglish
Article number206408
JournalPhysical Review Letters
Issue number20
StatePublished - 22 May 2009


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