Numerical evaluation of the upper critical dimension of percolation in scale-free networks

Zhenhua Wu, Cecilia Lagorio, Lidia A. Braunstein, Reuven Cohen, Shlomo Havlin, H. Eugene Stanley

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We propose numerical methods to evaluate the upper critical dimension dc of random percolation clusters in Erdos-Rényi networks and in scale-free networks with degree distribution P (k) ∼ k-λ, where k is the degree of a node and λ is the broadness of the degree distribution. Our results support the theoretical prediction, dc =2 (λ-1) (λ-3) for scale-free networks with 3<λ<4 and dc =6 for Erdos-Rényi networks and scale-free networks with λ>4. When the removal of nodes is not random but targeted on removing the highest degree nodes we obtain dc =6 for all λ>2. Our method also yields a better numerical evaluation of the critical percolation threshold pc for scale-free networks. Our results suggest that the finite size effects increases when λ approaches 3 from above.

Original languageEnglish
Article number066110
JournalPhysical Review E
Issue number6
StatePublished - 27 Jun 2007


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