New Methods for the Synthesis of Vinyl Azides

Gerrit L'abbé, Alfred Hassner

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

53 Scopus citations


A critical survey of synthetic approaches to vinyl azides is presented, focusing especially on stereo‐ and regiochemical problems. The com bined procedure of azidohalogenation of olefins followed by dehydrohalogenation, leads to regiospecific and, in the case of ionic additions, also to stereospecific formation of vinyl azides. Nucleophilic substitutions by azide ions on activated olefinic halides result in β‐azidovinyl ketones, esters, nitriles, etc., and proceed predominantly with retention of configuration about the CC bond. The known synthetic methods leading to α‐azidovinyl ketones and esters give rise to the thermodynamically more stable trans‐vinyl azides.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)98-104
Number of pages7
JournalAngewandte Chemie - International Edition
Issue number2
StatePublished - Feb 1971
Externally publishedYes


  • Azides
  • Synthetic methods
  • Vinyl azides


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